30 Days to Moving Day

If you are planning to do all or part of your own packing, Taylor Moving will make available to you movers packing materials.
The Taylor Moving packing material plan works this way. Pick up from Taylor Moving the materials you require and pay a deposit equal to the net value of this material. After your move, return the material to Taylor Moving and we will reimburse you for the net cost of the material returned.
- Pack a few boxes each day.
- Identify contents of each carton packed for easy unpacking.
- Never pack articles above the top of the containers.
- CDs, DVDs and record albums should be packed on edge in an upright position.
- Blankets are best moved in large cartons.
- Towels and pillows may be packed in dresser drawers.
- We suggest large mirrors, glass table tops, and valued paintings be crated by the movers.
- Books should be packed on edge in small boxes or cartons.
- Cartons should weigh no more than 50 to 60 pounds.
- All cartons should be securely sealed with tape.
- Fragile stickers on cartons will alert you and the moving company to give special care to these containers.
- Pack lampshades in cartons by themselves.
- Do not wrap books, lampshades, and linens in newsprint. The print will rub off.
- Do not pack cleaning compounds, soap, furniture polishes or medicine in the same carton with groceries.
- Do not pack irons, or kitchenware in the same container with crystal or china.
- Toasters, waffle irons, small radios and other heavy articles should be wrapped individually and packed firmly in the bottom of a box or carton.
- Table lamps and floor lamp bowls should be packed with light bulbs removed.
- When packing china, place heavy pieces on the bottom of the container, and all flat pieces on edge.
- Small items such as salt and pepper shakers should be packed in a small box inside a larger container.
- When marking cartons we suggest you mark cartons both on the top and on the side for easy identification.
- Wardrobe boxes should be used to hang your suits and dresses.
- Wardrobe boxes are also ideal for moving drapes. They are spread out, folded and placed on hangers, and pinned below the hanger so they will not slip off.