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30 Days to Moving Day

If you are planning to do all or part of your own packing, Taylor Moving will make available to you movers packing materials. The Taylor Moving packing material plan works this way. Pick up from Taylor Moving the materials you require and pay a deposit equal to the net value of this material. After your […]

Woman checking something on a clipboard

Preparing for your move

Moving? Careful planning and choosing the right mover can make all the difference. The following is a list of tips you can start to incorporate today, in preparation for your move. Getting Organized Around the House Moving Plants If your plants are important to you or to your decor, whether or not to move them […]

Man showing a couple information an a clipboard

Move Notification

To ensure important contacts are aware of your move, and to be certain they can find you if they need you down the road, it is important that you notify the following organizations or individuals with your forwarding information and move date. If you are moving further away, be sure to cancel services and arrange […]

Brookfield Supplier Partner Forum Platinum Award

Quality Does Matter

Corporate relocation management firms oversee 90% of executive transfers. Each household goods move is rated based on the employee feedback. Based on these results Taylor Moving was recognized by the top two largest relocation management firms in the world.

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