Why is an international moving network important?
Do you have representation in every country in the world?
Do you have representation in every country in the world?
Are all movers the same?
Activate your work visa
To DIY or not.
Commercial vehicle movement will come to a standstill in New Delhi from September 24, 2010, as the city prepares for the XIX Commonwealth Games which will take place from October 3-14. New Delhi authorities will regulate traffic in and around the JLN Sports Complex and other venues to help ease the massive volume of vehicles […]
The port of Marseille in France, has been experiencing severe traffic congestion since the 18 September. The mounting congestion is preventing the docking and unloading of containers in a timely manner at the port of Fos-sur-Mer. Since Monday, 20 September, a number of carriers have been unable to access cargo and collect any containers from […]
A new customs union between Russia, Belorussia, and Kazakhstan was adopted on July 1, 2010 introducing new customs regulations. Those new customs regulations severely restricted the type of household goods and personal effects that could be imported temporary duty-free by foreign citizens leading to a significant increase in customs duties that often far exceed the […]