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Customer Reviews

Here is a sample of the reviews and feedback we get from our satisfied clients. They've experienced Taylor Moving services first hand and know that 'Taylor takes care'.

Let us know how we did…

Move in Ancaster

the team was professional, patient and fair,I will also recommend them to any friends or family that may need their services in the future.

Bill F

Move in Burlington

made the move extremely easy and I would highly recommend them!

Holly M

Move in Markham

Hi Rick,

On behalf of Janice & I , I wanted to thank you and your team for a wonderful moving experience. Your team of professionals provided second to none customer service and fulfilled all of our needs. Roxy, we had a few items (food platter plate, a customized ceramic bowl and a smaller bowl) crack during the move from which Rick inspected. Please advise what steps must be taken to make a claim on these items. Once again, it was a pleasure working with you Rick. Rick T., thanks for providing me with Rick, you are lucky to have him on your team and we would highly recommend your establishment to friends/colleagues. Take care

Errol C.

Move in Texas

Hello, Rick:

This has been our “nth” move in the 26+ years we’ve lived in the US and Canada. In California alone, we’ve moved countless times. As we opened boxes containing our belongings, we found some from our first move to Vancouver, BC!!! We’ve become, in some ways, quite adept at moving!

In many ways, this recent move through your company has been one of the most pleasant and memorable of all. And your people have made it that way! Our accolades and compliments to the team that made it all possible.

Roxy was a most pleasant person to work with. She is a complete professional, very thorough and knowledgeable of her job. And incredibly enjoyable to work with. She was in frequent communication with us, providing us with the information we needed, constantly updating on us and more importantly reassuring us by her conduct and demeanor that our confidence was well-placed in Taylor Moving. She is a jewel!

The crew that loaded up in Texas deserves just as much praise. According to our Mr. Solomon ( a veteran at moving himself) who oversaw the loading, Hal Poohack and Mike Falco were exceptional in their conduct and behavior. Despite the searing heat and the high humidity, both these men exercised proper care of our belongings. Not a single one was damaged!!!

When they neared our home, Hal contacted us to let us know they were 30 mins. close. They were able to get all of our household goods unloaded in about 5 hours because they knew what they were doing. And, believe me, we have lots of stuff. That was truly yeoman’s work your two men did!!! And we appreciated their attitudes. They just set out to do their jobs and they did it exceptionally well.

It is people that make an organization thrive and flourish. Good people are products of exceptional management and ownership. So, you and your management need to take a bow as well. This was a team effort, and you all made it happen to your customer’s satisfaction.

My family and I thank you for the pleasure of your service.

Ross A.

Move in Mississauga

Hello Roxy,

Overall, it was a great move. I am very satisfied with the service. The timing and schedule fits very well as planned.

I will be waiting for the information.


Best regards,


Noel F.

Move in Australia


Please pass on family’s grattitude to your team, the guys who came to our house were courtious and very professional, I would recommend Taylors to any of my friends.

Thanks again.

Peter K.

Move in Frankford

To Whom it may concern,

We have recently been moved from our home in Kitchener, Ontario to our new home in Frankford, Ontario by Taylor Moving and Storage. The move went extremely well, due in large part to the efforts of Roxy at the main office and the other Taylor employees named in this letter.

From the outset the impression of Taylor Moving and Storage was a good one. The assessor (Todd) who came to our Kitchener home was very polite, professional and accurate in his assessment of what was required and the time needed to get it done.

The two packers (Russell and Ralph) arrived on time on both packing days and took extreme care in the handling of our possessions and those items we considered as valuables. During the unpack process we found that nothing had been damaged! This is a FIRST in our experience.

The Movers (Driver, Kevin and his two workmates, Liam and James) were equally impressive. These young men are the hardest working movers we have ever personally witnessed. Again, as with the other Taylor employees, their demeanour was always courteous and even though they were tired at the end of two excessively hot and humid summer days, they continued to be upbeat and were always careful in the handling our our items. They set up our beds efficiently and without complaint so that we were able to spend the night in our new home rather than incur additional company expense by staying another night in a hotel.

In summary, this was our BEST move ever. It was a true pleasure to be in the capable hands of Taylor Moving and Storage and we would recommend this moving company without hesitation to anyone.

Many thanks to all and again, please pass along our warmest personal regards to all concerned.

Darryl E

Move in Burlington

Dear Taylor moving,

I would like to thank you for the excellent service. I could not be happier. The team arrived right on time. They were clean, polite, professional, and worked incredibly hard. I have never in my life seen anyone work as hard as these three guys (Chad & Crew). I was also impressed with the way they worked together as a team. Even in the sweltering summer heat they just kept going until the job was done.

I would recommend Taylor Moving to anyone who requires moving services. They are worth every penny!

Luke G.

Move in Oakville

Hi, Karen,

Thank you very much for your help to my good delivered. I greatly appreciate your hard work and timely helps.

Nancy L.

Move in Edmonton

Everyone was super friendly and they took care of everything. Nothing was damaged or broken. It was an amazing experience.

Warren H.

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