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From a Dream to Reality: Al Taylor’s Journey with Taylor Moving & Storage – A Canadian Saga of Triumph and Endless Opportunity! (Part 3)

In light of Alan Taylor’s esteemed recognition at the Burlington Hall of Fame on October 19th, 2023, we’re diving into the inspiring saga of Taylor Moving and Storage. Beyond a company’s rise, this narrative embodies the Canadian entrepreneurial spirit, shining brightly in Burlington, with a touch of international relocation brilliance!

Taylor Moving and Storage began as a family venture. From its inception, Al’s sons, Russ and Rick, played pivotal roles, imbibing the entrepreneurial essence. Russ’s innovative sales strategies secured influential clients like Hostess Frito Lay and Procter and Gamble. Simultaneously, Rick showcased his financial prowess, progressing from helper to driver, salesperson, and ultimately, steering the company’s monetary helm.

Their collaborative entrepreneurial journey showcases dedication, adaptability, and a steadfast commitment to superior service. Today, under their joint vision, Taylor is a hallmark of dependability and effectiveness in the North American and international relocation scene.

From a Dream to Reality: Al Taylor’s Journey with Taylor Moving & Storage – A Canadian Saga of Triumph and Endless Opportunity! (Part 2)

In the 1970s, Burlington-based Taylor Moving and Storage witnessed transformative growth. Al Taylor, the company’s visionary, fostered key corporate partnerships, notably with Abitti, leading to 90-100 relocations to the GTA. Corporate accounts like the Royal Bank of Canada, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, and Bell Canada bolstered the firm’s revenue, accounting for 70%. Expanding operations into Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick, Al capitalized on Quebec’s political shifts, securing prominent accounts like Ciba Geigy and Baiting. Responding to Mississauga’s boom, Al established a second center there. The late ’70s marked their ambitious expansion to the US. The industry faced upheavals in the ’80s, but under Al’s leadership, Taylor thrived. Today, as we honor Al’s induction into the Burlington Hall of Fame, we celebrate a tale of resilience, adaptability, and unwavering commitment to people and community. As Al believes, “It’s not about where you start; it’s about where you’re going and who you bring with you.”

Electric log device being used by a mover

Electronic Log Devices So Far so Good

In December of 2017 the United States Department of Transportation mandated that all commercial trucks must use electronic logs (ELDs) replacing the paper method.
As a prime carrier into and out of the USA, Taylor Moving implemented these devices into our vehicles with a great deal of trepidation.
So far our fears seem to be misplaced.

Beds for Congo loaded on moving truck

Opportunity to Help Can Happen Quickly

A past customer contacted us in January in quite a dilemma. Belmont House in Toronto had 50 hospital beds that they were willing to donate to Susila Dharma International a NGO that does great work around the world. One problem though, they needed these out within the week and they had to be in Montreal to get combined with other goods to the Congo in Africa.
We were more than happy to help out.

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